Tuesday, July 10, 2012

22 Weeks, and lots of walks..

Today, I am 22 weeks..
and Kruz is the size of a...

Papaya :)

Kruz is roughly 11 inches long and almost a pound. 
Although, we know he is bigger.. but hey.. 
he's a happy lil guy in there..

Baby Kruz's taste buds are developing this week 
and his sense of touch is now developed. 
Babies at this stage may use there new found awareness of touch to reach
 for and grab things in utero, including the umbilical cord.
 Most of the babies facial features are fully developed now, including hair and eyebrows! AND....baby Kruz can hear us. 
He can recognize our voices and even familiar songs and books we sing and read to him. 

21 Weeks, 5 days :)

This last week he has been moving around a lot more than usual..
I feel him all throughout the day,
and then when I try to go to sleep at night..
What a cutie..
and when I put Fielding on speaker phone..
ALL movement STOPS!!
and when I hang up..
He starts up all over again..
He is a little turkey.. haha :) 
He must just love his daddys voice :)
 but.. sometimes it causes me to feel a little nauseous..
Like I have motion sickness.
I cant wait to meet this handsome feller in 18 short weeks

So.. Now that I am in Idaho,
I promised myself I would get up and walk every morning..
Its still cool here in the mornings,
so its refreshing..
and hopefully it will help me stay a little in shape.
I tried to walk in Louisiana,
but it was impossible without getting sick because of the heat and humidity.

We miss Fielding a lot..
but hey.. 
thank heavens for 

I finally went shopping for maternity clothes..
(I have kinda put it off, seeing how a lot of stores have their maternity in the plus size section..)
but I got a few new CUTE outfits..
and hopefully I will wear them this week so I can take pictures,
and show you all :)


1 comment:

  1. I'm here too without Kevin! :( Being without a hubby is NO FUN! We should walk together. I'm excited to see your new outfits!
