Today, I am 20 Weeks along :)
and our little Baby Boy is the size of a..
I remember when he was only a size of a poppy seed..
and now.. He is one of my favorite fruits :)
Our lil man weighs about 11 1/2 ounces now..
The average fetus weighs about 10 1/2..
( thats what he weighed on Friday when we had him measured :) )
So we got quite a big boy on our hands :)
He is about 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom,
but a whopping 10 inches from head to heel..
Pretty much the length of a banana.. :)
(Going off average length there, dont know how tall my little boy is :) )
He's swallowing more these days,
which is good practice for his
digestive system.
He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky
by-product of digestion.
This gooey substance will accumulate in his
and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper..
**That Fielding will be changing ;)**
So, we have finally agreed on a name..
and it is..
Kruz Fielding Davis
I enjoy the name, and he does too..
When I said it to Fielding I felt little kicks..
and well :)
I think it will fit my lil stud. :)
Now.. about our doctors appointment we had Friday.
I used to be on high restrictions,
and was high risk of giving birth to my placenta,
since I had Placenta Previa..
But.. My placenta is now moved up,
and.. I am on no restrictions
except for all the ones pregnant people are on. ;)
All his organs were great size,
and we saw his cute little four chambered heart..
She was pushing quite hard with the ultrasound thing,
and Kruz wasn't going to put up with it and just gave her a swift kick..
It made her jump, and she was actually surprised that he could kick that hard this far along..
Here are some pictures from our ultrasound..
We finally got a picture of the bottom of his foot :)
Look at those 5 awesome toes :)
and yes.. his big toe was in the process of bending..
haha. He is so stinking cute.
and his hand to his face :)
I couldn't of asked for more of an amazing son :)
He is absolutely perfect already :)
Alright.. So.. On Saturday we are going to be MOVING!!
I am so done with this Louisiana heat.
Its way to miserable.
So Fielding is bringing me back to Idaho,
and I will stay there until I deliver..
and He will be moving all over still and working,
and then come home a month to a month and a half before Kruz gets here :)
but.. this is what our house looks like today :)
I only have a little bit more to do..
and we are out of here :)
So.. Hopefully we will be in Idaho by next Tuesday,
So I can tell ya about the drive, and well..
amazing Idaho :)
Have a great rest of the week everyone :)