Tuesday, June 19, 2012

19 Weeks, Kicks and Punches, and a lot of love..

Today I am 19 weeks..
and our little boy is the size of a.. 


His sensory development is exploding!
His brain is designating specialized areas for smell,
 taste, hearing, vision, and touch. 
Some research suggests that he may be able to hear our voices now. 
So I have been talking up a storm..
He weighs about 8 1/2 ounces 
and measures 6 inches, head to bottom
but we know my little baby boy is bigger than that..
So we will just have to find that out on Friday :) 
 His arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other
 and the rest of his body now.
 His kidneys continue to make urine
 and the hair on his scalp is sprouting.

Now how cute is that update :) 

I started feeling him kick on Wednesday, 
right after our last post actually. 
But he was so so stubborn
 that Fielding was never really able to feel anything
until last night..
This little stinker was up all night thinking I was its kicking bag. :) 
but.. I was happy, 
because Fielding got to feel!
Its so much better when you can feel them
because it calms all the worries down. 
and lets me know my little boy is happy,
healthy, and best of all.. SAFE! 

How far along? 19 Weeks
Maternity clothes? No. Just pony tails, and Be Bands :)
Best moment this week: KICKING! :)
 Miss Anything? Lunch meat.. 
 Movement: Every morning, and every night.. :)
Food Cravings: Pizza, Salsa, and pickle flavored sunflower seeds :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Everything that smells.
 Labor Signs: NO! haha. and hopefully none for awhile. :)
Symptoms: I dont really have any symptoms except for the normal exhaustion..
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy of course :)
Looking forward to: 21 more weeks until this baby decides to join us :)

So.. We have our last doctors appointment while we are in Lousiana on Friday. 
I cant stinking wait to see my little man AGAIN! 
I have been so blessed to be able to get all the ultrasounds that I have..
There is nothing like seeing your child all the time :) 
So, I am sure I will post those pictures of the ultrasound,
 and I will tell you all about it. 
Until then you all have a wonderful week,
and here is something to leave you with..
I bought a new outfit for our little man,
and I know Fielding will surely dislike it. :) 
 but that makes me like it even more..
Whenever he doubts it,
I will just pull this little onsie out.. 
that should shut him up ;)


  1. Awe I WANT that outfit! It's the bomb!

  2. So when I read your title I thought it said "19 kids and punches" haha, I re-read it and it made more sense. Anyway, you are so cute! I'm glad things are going well and you are almost half-way!!! Yay! And that outfit is totally awesome!

  3. Cute blog lady!! Love your cute belly! Such a fun time in your life! Cherish cherish cherish it! :) PS... LoVE LOVE LOVE freaking LOVE the Gotye song you have on here!
