Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Limes, "another" crawfish boil, birthdays, and bowling..

Oh my goody goody gumdrops!!

I have a lot to share,

and.. the baby is the size of a LIME!!

Its getting big..
and.. I am just starting to show..
(kinda still in the "im chubby" stage)
 I have had a lot of bloating and other things,
in the early weeks..
but it has gone down and well..
 see for yourself.

.. and this is my... "WHAT THE.." Look :)

I forgot to post my ultrasound pictures we got last week..
So heres our little Limeade. :) 
It was 11 weeks and 1 day!


Isn't it precious.. :)
 I love how it actually is starting to look more and more like a human.
Not gonna lie, I cant believe this is happening to me still..
Not as a bad thing either..
Its just like woah.. 
I dont know..
just unbelievable. 
Pretty soon I am going to have someone else I would do anything for..
..and well.. I cant wait to meet a mini fielding/karissa.. :) 
Here is our first family photo together :)

Anyways.. now to everything else that happened this last week. 
Since the guys had a while off, 
we just laid around most of the week until Monday came.. 
Our dear friends Ben and Ryanne left,
and we watched the Muir kids,
while their parents went and did housing inspections..

After the Muirs and us decided we were done sitting around,
we went on a bowling fiesta. :)
Fielding won..
and I came in second..
Now, if you have ever bowled with me, 
you know why I am so excited about coming in second..
I usually get gutter balls..
But to my luck.. 
We didn't know how to turn off the bumpers.. ;)

After.. The boys came up with an idea.

 Now this might just be a SURPRISE..
 The Muirs, The Garretts, and us had another last minute

The guys were outside getting them ready to feast on,
and all the ladies were inside having our own party :) 
and I was sitting in the woman party, in a corner... 
and told everyone walking in to wash their hands.. 
pretty much you could of called me.. "THE BOSS"

 So, while rinsing off the craw fish, little Xaden was having the time of his life,
looking, and trying to touch them. :)

After they cook, they turn bright red.. 

As you can see, all the guys are feasting outside..
and the woman were inside eating the good stuff ;)

and they even sucked out their brains..

And, I still haven't laid a kiss on Fieldboys lips..

 After that, Tuesday was a blur.. and Wednesday the guys went back to work,
and we had our ultrasound.. Which the pictures are above..
Thursday we went out to this restaurant by our house called 
Dons Seafood, for Dakota Garretts 16th Birthday.
and then Saturday came around..
We had a birthday party for Sandi Craig..
On of the dome wives.
It was full of delicious food, and hilarious games.
and I learned, I would be good at serades. :) 
Not really sure how to spell that.. but we can pretend. 

and well.. the rest of the days kinda just flew by.. and now we are to my 12th week..
only one week left until my second trimester.!
Yay for this Davis Family!

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